Tuesday 24 May 2011

Chocolate Sculpture by Karl Lagerfeld

                             (Double click for better view)

Chocolate Sculpture of a French Male Model created by renowned fashion designer, Karl Lagerfeld in collaboration with Magnum Chocolate. First look at 'it' reminds me of Madame Tussauds Musuem. Maybe Madame Tussauds can open another line of figures using chocolate instead. I personally felt this creation is very good as there are so many chocolate lovers all over the world and someone can build a chocolate musuem for us to admire & salivate!

1 comment:

  1. Yes I agree this is a very interesting food creation! It's like a combination of food, art and people. It's an innovative and refreshing idea for an ice-cream brand to promote it's brand, especially when Magnum is known for it's chocolate coated ice-creams!
