Sunday 14 October 2012

The Clever Moves of J-Pot

J-Pot is a dining concept from Jumbo which means ‘Hotpot Singapore Style’!  
And why do I say this concept is brilliant? 
I have tried variation of hotpot (Chinese steamboat) and here is my two cents worth:

Each diner owns an individual hotpot which is hygienic and fuss-free; no worry of other diners scooping that coveted tiger prawn! Furthermore, you can select your own soup from their extended list. (My favorite is ‘Herbal’)

Their menu is an I-pad fixated on a retractable drawer of each table. You need not raise your hand to signal the waiter to take down your order; just DIY! You can either choose their À la carte or set menus.

We chose the latter as we couldn’t really decide on the variety of ingredients. I prefer this selling strategy compared to buffet, which usually you will find copious ‘Ball Stuff’ such as chicken balls, fish balls, octopus balls, beef balls and other ‘balls’. We want to savor real meat, fresh seafood and not ‘fake balls’!

Having also tried À la carte Buffet before which you can order unceasingly from the menu for one price. The peeve is you will feel very disturbed if the next table ‘keeps ordering’ and the waiter ‘keeps adding dishes’ non-stop to their table!

Same thing applies to the beverages. We ordered J-Pot’s free-flow home-made barley for one price and the diners just have to refill themselves at the beverage counter. We would not want the wait staff to ‘keep checking on our glasses and topping-up’, especially at the moments when we are so engaged in bantering.
Another local dining trend that I have been observing lately is the provision of foldable racks for diners to store their bags so that we can sit and dine comfortably. Quite a thoughtful customer service!

The only ‘buffet-style’ you can find here is a long sideboard offering free-flow of condiments and relishes for you to mix and muddle. (For e.g. roasted sesame seeds, chili oil, minced garlic bits, sesame oil et al.) Feel free to unleash your creativity but don’t create a mess like I did!

It is best to book in advance to avoid the hassle of queuing and waiting which we encountered on a Tuesday evening after work. (For more info, pls visit The tab amounted to SGD80plus for two, despite choosing the cheapest set menu and beverages. Hence, my only reservation in returning is the premium pricing!


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