Friday 24 June 2011

Molecular Gastronomy

What molecule….what gas? I beg your pardon? That was my first thought when I came across this term. It sounded so scientific and profound to me...

Molecular Gastronomy is a scientific study of choosing, cooking and consuming food. You can consider it a brainchild derived from the teamwork of scientists and chefs. One party studies the science of produce and culinary processes while the other party prepares the final product on a dish by incorporating the findings of the scientists into their culinary.

Take for example, our beloved Eggs; do you realize that different cooking temperatures will affect its outcome? We can have poached eggs, hard-boiled eggs, coddled eggs, scrambled eggs and etc…all depends on which cooking temperature you are using.

According to Wikipedia’s records: “The term "Molecular and Physical Gastronomy" was coined in 1992 by Hungarian physicist, Nicholas Kurti and French physical chemist, Hervé This. It became the title for a set of workshops held in Erice, Italy that brought together scientists and professional cooks for discussions on the science behind traditional cooking preparations. Later, American Food Science Writer, Harold Mc Gee joined the duo in their activities.”

To me, molecular gastronomy is akin to a chef-d'oeuvre; a harvest reaped after much experiments, research and investigations. Very often, molecular gastronomy is associated with fine dining restaurants which are most probably Michelin Star-awarded. That explains why you will see the dish is being presented like “an edible painting on a ceramic canvas” when you dine at such restaurants. The art of haute cuisine is a must for all to taste at least once in their lifetime!

Below are 2 video clips from Alinea Restaurant, Chicago, USA; rated 3 Stars (Michelin Guide) & voted as 6th Best Restaurant in the world by Restaurant Magazine 2011. Enjoy as they show you what Molecular Gastronomy is all about!

             PS: You can play both video clips at the same time!

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