Thursday 29 September 2011

The Beauty Of Pandan.......

In my recent combat with a few detestable cockroaches which have been audaciously invading and settling down at my workstation, I discovered a ‘secret weapon’ online to counterattack them. This 'secret weapon' is a natural insect-repellant; safe to sniff and conveniently available; also a tropical plant that has long, slender blade-like leaves. As the leaves age, the fragrance will grow stronger and permeates the surrounding. Every morning when I walk into my office, I feel as if I have entered Pandan Valley, sniffing the welcoming lovely fragrance that bars the entry of my little crawling enemies.

This secret weapon is none other than Pandan, a quintessential ingredient in making cakes, kueh, desserts and even principal dishes such as curry. She for sure holds an important supporting role in Southeast Asian cuisine. Her fragrance has mesmerized me and recalled my past infatuation with her. Years ago, I was having a tea-break at an eatery and I got to imbibe a cup of Pandan tea. The taste was forever etched on my memory since then; an unforgettable calming and soothing fragrant cuppa.

To brew and imbibe the perfect cuppa; boil some water first. When the water starts boiling, decoct a bunch of fresh, clean pandan leaves into the pot/kettle. The more pandan leaves you decoct, the stronger the aroma. The decoction is a pale-light-greenish-syrupy liquid enriched with the goodness of Pandan.

Next, infuse an English tea bag (preferably Lipton Brand) into a cup of the decoction and steep for 1-2 minutes. (Do not steep for too long or the tea will overpower the fragrance) Finally, add sugar for a refined taste and enjoy this calming & soothing cuppa as you sip.

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